Programs & Services » West Bench Wildcat PAC

West Bench Wildcat PAC

Join Our PAC Facebook Group!

The West Bench Parent Advisory Committee has started a Facebook group and encourages all parents to join. The group can serve as an online community in these times when we can't gather face to face. We'll post about PAC happenings, but other topics of benefit to parents and kids in our school community are welcome too.  Please submit a request to join.  The group is called " West Bench Wildcat Parent Advisory Committee".  We look forward to seeing you online!

Click Here to Visit the PAC Facebook Group!


Our PAC is a dedicated group of parents who meet monthly with school administration and a school trustee to help guide school decisions and events. Meetings are usually held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm in the school library.  Additional parent participation is always welcome! 

If interested to participate, please contact the school for the meeting link. 

Current PAC Members:
Chair - Erin Aitkens
Vice Chair -
Treasurer - Brian Kong
Secretary -
Phil d'Aoust
School Rep: Janice Binding
Trustee Rep: Karen Botsford